### ramp-thermostat A Node-RED contrib-node that emulates a thermostat. The ramp-thermostat controls an actuator depending on the current input temperature and the target temperature (setpoint). ### Installation Run the following command in your Node-RED user directory - typically `~/.node-red` $ npm install node-red-contrib-ramp-thermostat ### Configuration The target temperature is defined by a profile that provides the value depending on the current time `00:00-24:00`. The profile consists of several points whose connections build a sequence of lines. The switching moment can be optimized by defining a gradient line like a `ramp`. A profile has at least 2 points and should typically start at 00:00 and end at 24:00. ### Usage This node expects a numeric msg.payload containing the current temperature. It will calculate the target temperature depending on msg.payload at the current time and output 3 values: * state (boolean) * current temperature * target temperature The state (true/false) is used to control an actuator. The current and target temperature outputs can be wired e.g. into a ui_chart node. ### Runtime settings **setTarget** ```sh msg.topic: setTarget msg.payload: nn.n (number) ``` The target will be valid until a new target or a profile is set again or until node-red is restarted. **setProfile** ```sh msg.topic: setProfile msg.payload: profile-name ``` The profile-name is one of the existing profiles that are configured in the ramp-thermostat node. You can even define an input profile (JSON): ```sh msg.topic: setProfile msg.payload: {"name":"myGreatProfile","points":{"00:00":16.0,"08:00":20.0,"20:00":20.0,"24:00":16.0}} ``` ### Examples ![ramp-thermostat2](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/5056710/19309043/eb5b9bea-9082-11e6-995b-fb254b7d71e5.jpeg) ![ramp-thermostat1](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/5056710/19308860/0f76f35e-9082-11e6-8fa8-c1014cd3f142.jpg) The profile is defined using 6 points: ```sh "time" : temp "00:00": 18.0 "03:00": 18.0 "06:00": 20.5 "18:00": 20.5 "20:00": 18.0 "24:00": 18.0 ```