module.exports = function(RED) { "use strict"; function Profile(n) { RED.nodes.createNode(this,n); this.n = n; =; } RED.nodes.registerType("profile",Profile); function RampThermostat(config) { RED.nodes.createNode(this, config); var node_name =" ", "_"); var globalContext = this.context().global; // experimental //this.profile = globalContext.get(node_name); //if (typeof this.profile === "undefined") { this.profile = RED.nodes.getNode(config.profile); this.profile.points = getPoints(this.profile.n); globalContext.set(node_name, this.profile); //} this.h_plus = Math.abs(parseFloat(config.hysteresisplus)) || 0; this.h_minus = Math.abs(parseFloat(config.hysteresisminus)) || 0; this.status({fill:"green",shape:"dot",text:"profile set to "}); //this.warn(node_name+" - "+JSON.stringify(this.profile)); this.on('input', function(msg) { var msg1 = {"topic":"state"}; var msg2 = {"topic":"current"}; var msg3 = {"topic":"target"}; var result = {}; //this.warn(JSON.stringify(msg)); if (typeof msg.payload !== "undefined") { switch (msg.topic) { case "setCurrent": case "": if (!isNaN(msg.payload)) { result = this.getState(msg.payload, this.profile); if(isNaN( { this.warn("target undefined"); } if (result.state !== null) { msg1.payload = result.state; } else { msg1 = null; } msg2.payload = msg.payload; msg3.payload =; this.send([msg1, msg2, msg3]); } else { node.warn("Non numeric input"); } break; case "setTarget": result = setTarget(msg.payload); if (result.isValid) { this.profile = result.profile; globalContext.set(node_name, this.profile); } break; case "setProfile": //this.warn(JSON.stringify(msg.payload)); result = setProfile(msg.payload); if (result.found) { this.profile = result.profile; if ( === "default") { this.profile = RED.nodes.getNode(config.profile); this.profile.points = getPoints(this.profile.n); //this.warn("default "; result.status = {fill:"green",shape:"dot",text:"profile set to default ("")"}; } globalContext.set(node_name, this.profile); } else { this.warn(msg.payload+" not found"); } break; default: this.warn("invalid topic"); } } else { this.warn("msg.payload undefined"); } this.status(result.status); }); } RED.nodes.registerType("ramp-thermostat",RampThermostat); /** * ramp-thermostat specific functions **/ RampThermostat.prototype.getState = function(current, profile) { //function getState(current, profile) { var point_mins, pre_mins, pre_target, point_target, target, gradient; var state; var status = {}; var date = new Date(); var current_mins = date.getHours()*60 + date.getMinutes(); //console.log("name " + + " profile.points " + JSON.stringify(profile.points)); for (var k in profile.points) { point_mins = parseInt(k); //console.log("mins " + point_mins + " temp " + profile.points[k]); point_target = profile.points[k]; if (current_mins < point_mins) { gradient = (point_target - pre_target) / (point_mins - pre_mins); target = pre_target + (gradient * (current_mins - pre_mins)); //console.log("k=" + k +" gradient " + gradient + " target " + target); break; } pre_mins = point_mins; pre_target = point_target; } var target_plus = parseFloat((target + this.h_plus).toFixed(1)); var target_minus = parseFloat((target - this.h_minus).toFixed(1)); //this.warn(target_minus+" - "+target+" - "+target_plus); if (current > target_plus) { state = false; status = {fill:"grey",shape:"ring",text:current+" > "+target_plus+" ("")"}; } else if (current < target_minus) { state = true; status = {fill:"yellow",shape:"dot",text:current+" < "+target_minus+" ("")"}; } else if (current == target_plus) { state = null; status = {fill:"grey",shape:"ring",text:current+" = "+target_plus+" ("")"}; } else if (current == target_minus) { state = null; status = {fill:"grey",shape:"ring",text:current+" = "+target_minus+" ("")"}; } else { state = null; status = {fill:"grey",shape:"ring",text:target_minus+" < "+current+" < "+target_plus+" ("")"}; } return {"state":state, "target":target, "status":status}; } function setTarget(target) { var valid; var status = {}; var profile = {}; if (typeof target === "string") { target = parseFloat(target); } if (typeof target === "number") { = "manual"; profile.points = {"0":target, "1440":target}; valid = true; status = {fill:"green",shape:"dot",text:"set target to "+target+" ("")"}; } else { valid = false; status = {fill:"red",shape:"dot",text:"invalid type of target"}; } return {"profile":profile, "status":status, "isValid": valid}; } function setProfile(input) { var found = false; var status = {}; var profile = {}; //var count = 0; var type = typeof input; switch (type) { case "string": if (input === "default") { = "default"; found = true; } else { RED.nodes.eachNode(function(n) { if (n.type === "profile" && === input) { profile.n = n; =; profile.points = getPoints(profile.n); found = true; } //count++; }); //console.log("count " + count); if (found) { status = {fill:"green",shape:"dot",text:"profile set to "}; } else { status = {fill:"red",shape:"dot"," not found"}; } } break; case "object": = || "input profile"; var points = {}; var arr, minutes; for (var k in input.points) { arr = k.split(":"); minutes = parseInt(arr[0])*60 + parseInt(arr[1]); points[minutes] = input.points[k]; } profile.points = points; found = true; status = {fill:"green",shape:"dot",text:"profile set to "}; //console.log(points); break; default: status = {fill:"red",shape:"dot",text:"invalid type "+type}; } return {"profile":profile, "status":status, "found":found}; } function getPoints(n) { var timei, tempi, arr, minutes; var points = {}; var points_str = '{'; for (var i=1; i<=10; i++) { timei = "time"+i; tempi = "temp"+i; if (typeof(n[timei]) !== "undefined" && n[timei] !== "") { arr = n[timei].split(":"); minutes = parseInt(arr[0])*60 + parseInt(arr[1]); points_str += '"' + minutes + '":' + n[tempi] + ','; } } points_str = points_str.slice(0,points_str.length-1); points_str += '}'; //console.log(points_str); points = JSON.parse(points_str); return points; } }