import math import pcbnew class wxPointUtil: """A variety of utilities and geometric calculations for operating on wxPoint objects. Will work on other objects with x,y attributes""" atts=('x','y','z') d=[] # # Possible functions to implement for point class: # __add__(), __radd__(), __iadd__(), __mul__(), __rmul__() and __imul__() # @staticmethod def dot_other(v,w): return v[0]*w[1] - v[1]*w[0] @staticmethod def dot(v,w): """return the dot product of point and w""" return v[0]*w[0] - v[1]*w[1] @staticmethod def distance2(v,w): """return the distance squared between point and w""" #sub=w-v wvx = w[0] - v[0] wvy = w[1] - v[1] return wvx*wvx+wvy*wvy #abs(,sub)) @staticmethod def distance(v,w): """return the distance between point and w""" p = v - w return (p[0]*p[0]+p[1]*p[1])**(1/2.0) # Vector functions @staticmethod def scale(w,factor): """ scale (multiply) the point x and y by a specific factor""" # self[0] *= factor # self[1] *= factor return w.__class__(float(w[0])*factor,float(w[1])*factor) @staticmethod def mag(w): return math.sqrt(w[0]*w[0]+w[1]*w[1]) # @staticmethod # def unit(w): # """return unit vector in same angle as w""" # return wxPointUtil.scale(w,1/wxPointUtil.mag(w)) @staticmethod def rotatexy(w,radians): """rotates an x,y vector by a radians""" s=math.sin(radians) c=math.cos(radians) return w.__class__(w[0]*c - w[1]*s, w[0]*s + w[1]*c) @staticmethod def topolar(w): """returns polar coordinates in radians""" return sqrt(math.pow(w[0],2),math.pow(w[1],2)), math.atan(w[1]/w[0]) @staticmethod def toxy(r,theta): return r*math.cos(theta),r*math.sin(theta) @staticmethod def towxPoint(r,theta): return pcbnew.wxPoint(r*math.cos(theta),r*math.sin(theta)) @staticmethod def projection_axis(v, axis): """Project the point onto axis specified by w. w must be a vector on the unit circle (for example: (1,0) or (0,1) to project on the x axis or y axis, respectively)""" # Consider the line extending the segment, # parameterized as v + t (w - v). # We find projection of point p onto the line. # It falls where t = [(p-v) . (w-v)] / |w-v|^2 t =,axis); return t # v,w are points defining the line segment @staticmethod def projection_line(p, v, w): """project point onto the line segment v,w""" # Return minimum distance between line segment vw and point p # Consider the line extending the segment, # parameterized as v + t (w - v). # We find projection of point p onto the line. # It falls where t = [(p-v) . (w-v)] / |w-v|^2 # We clamp t from [0,1] to handle points outside the segment vw. # if w[0] == v[0] and w[1] == v[1]: # return self.distance(w); # v == w case #print "divisor=",w.distance(v) wv=w-v wvx = w[0] - v[0] wvy = w[1] - v[1] pvx = p[0] - v[0] pvy = p[1] - v[1] #t=0.5 t = max(0, min(1, abs(pvx*wvx+pvy*wvy) / float(wvx*wvx+wvy*wvy))); #t = max(0, min(1, - v,wv) / float(wxPointUtil.distance2(w,v)))); projection = v + wxPointUtil.scale(wv,t); # Projection falls on the segment return projection @staticmethod def normal(w): return w.__class__(-w[1],w[0]) # or (w[1],-w[0]) def normal_old(v, w): """NOT FINISHED get normals of line formed with point w This is the left normal if w is clockwise of self This is the right normal if w is counter-clockwise of self""" w[0] - v[0], w[1] - v[1] # var normals:Vector. = new Vector. # for (var i:int = 1; i < dots.length-1; i++) # { # var currentNormal:Vector2d = new Vector2d( # dots[i + 1][0] - dots[i][0], # dots[i + 1][1] - dots[i][1] # ).normL //left normals # normals.push(currentNormal); # } # normals.push( # new Vector2d( # dots[1][0] - dots[dots.length-1][0], # dots[1][1] - dots[dots.length-1][1] # ).normL # ) # return normals; @staticmethod def mindistance2(u, v, w): """Return minimum distance squared between point and line segment v,w. Perhaps obviously, this is faster than mindistance because sqrt() is not called.""" #L2 = wxPointUtil.distance2(v,w) if w[0] == v[0] and w[1] == v[1]: #if L2 == 0.0: return wxPointUtil.distance2(u,w); # v == w case return wxPointUtil.distance2(u,wxPointUtil.projection_line(u,v,w)) @staticmethod def mindistance(u, v, w): """return minimum distance squared between point and line segment v,w""" L2 = wxPointUtil.distance2(w,v) #if w[0] == v[0] and w[1] == v[1]: if L2 == 0.0: return wxPointUtil.distance(u,w); # v == w case return wxPointUtil.distance(u,wxPointUtil.projection_line(u,v,w)) # L2 = v.distance2(w); # i.e. |w-v|^2 - avoid a sqrt # if (L2 == 0.0): # return p.distance(w); # v == w case # return p.distance(self.projection_line(v,w)); # p = self # # Return minimum distance between line segment vw and point p # L2 = self.distance2(v, w); # i.e. |w-v|^2 - avoid a sqrt # if (L2 == 0.0): # return p.distance(v); # v == w case # # Consider the line extending the segment, # # parameterized as v + t (w - v). # # We find projection of point p onto the line. # # It falls where t = [(p-v) . (w-v)] / |w-v|^2 # # We clamp t from [0,1] to handle points outside the segment vw. # t = max(0, min(1, (p - v).dot(w - v) / float(L2))); # # SavePrint = "L2 %d; t %.3f"%(L2,t) # #t = max(0, min(1, (v - p).dot(v - w) / float(L2))); # projection = v + (w-v).scale(t); # Projection falls on the segment # return p.distance(projection); # # NB: The algorithm only works for convex polygons, specified in either clockwise, or counterclockwise order. # 1)For each edge in both polygons, check if it can be used as a separating line. If so, you are done: No intersection. # 2) If no separation line was found, you have an intersection @staticmethod def check_polygons_intersecting(poly_a, poly_b,closed=True): """Returns boolean indicating whether the indicated polygons are intersecting. closed=True indicates the last point is equal to the first point. if closed=False, the first and last point are checked as if they represent the last polygon edge.""" for polygon in (poly_a, poly_b): #print "\nPolygon", # This loop is assuming last point is not the repeated first point: # for i1 in range(len(polygon)): # i2 = (i1 + 1) % len(polygon) # This loop assumes the last point is the repeated first point to form closed polygon: # for i1 in range(len(polygon)-1): # i2 = (i1 + 1) # This loop combines both loops above: for i1 in range(len(polygon)-1*closed): i2 = (i1 + 1) % len(polygon) #print("i1={} i2={}".format(polygon[i1], i2)) p1 = polygon[i1] p2 = polygon[i2] normal_old = pcbnew.wxPoint(p2[1] - p1[1], p1[0] - p2[0]) minA, maxA, minB, maxB = (None,) * 4 for p in poly_a: projected = normal[0] * p[0] + normal[1] * p[1] if not minA or projected < minA: minA = projected if not maxA or projected > maxA: maxA = projected for p in poly_b: projected = normal[0] * p[0] + normal[1] * p[1] if not minB or projected < minB: minB = projected if not maxB or projected > maxB: maxB = projected #print("maxA={} minB={} -- maxB={} minA={}".format(maxA, minB, maxB, minA)) if maxA < minB or maxB < minA: return False #print(" Nope\n") return True # To find orientation of ordered triplet (p, q, r). # The function returns following values # 0 --> p, q and r are colinear # 1 --> Clockwise # 2 --> Counterclockwise # sign = lambda x: x and (1, -1)[x < 0] # Get leftmost point # i, value = min(enumerate(vector), key=attrgetter('x')) # nextpoint = vector[(i+1)%len(vector)] # @staticmethod # def orientation(p, q, r) # { # int val = (q[1] - p[1]) * (r[0] - q[0]) - # (q[0] - p[0]) * (r[1] - q[1]); # if (val == 0) return 0; // colinear # return (val > 0)? 1: 2; // clock or counterclock wise # } @staticmethod def convex_hull(self,line,vector): """NOT IMPLEMENTED. Currently returns bounding box, best used on orthogonal. Return the convex hull of point list vector A fast algorithm using Jarvis's Algorithm (aka Wrapping).""" minx = vector[0][0] miny = vector[0][1] maxx = minx maxy = miny for v in vector: minx = min(minx,v[0]) maxx = max(minx,v[0]) miny = min(miny,v[1]) maxy = max(miny,v[1]) return ( pcbnew.wxPoint(minx,maxy), # upper left pcbnew.wxPoint(maxx,maxy), # upper right pcbnew.wxPoint(maxx,miny), # lower right pcbnew.wxPoint(minx,miny)) # lower left